After you have the three R’s down, it’s time to add in more subjects. Some of these may be considered by you to be basic core subjects, others will be electives. Either way, after you have been successful in completely reading, writing and arithmetic into your daily learning, choose from this list of electives. You may add them in daily or choose to only study them once each week.
- Ancient World
- Medieval World
- Renaissance World
- Revolution & Change
- Modern World
- Resources for history
Geography & Social Studies
- Africa
- Antarctica
- Asia
- Australia
- Europe
- North America
- South America
- Family Life
- Community
- States
- American Government
- World
- Resources for geography & social studies
- Anatomy & Physiology
- Astrology
- Botany
- Chemistry
- Cytology (Microbiology)
- Geology
- Nature Study
- Physics
- Zoology
- Resources for science
Foreign Language
- Foreign
- Vocabulary
- Communication
- Resources for foreign language
Fine Arts
- Art Appreciation
- Era Studies
- Artist Studies
- Medium Studies
- Art Lessons
- Crafts
- Resources for art
- Music Appreciation
- Era Studies
- Composer Studies
- Instruments
- Music Lessons (instruments, vocals, etc.)
- Composition
- Resources for music
Health & Fitness
- Dance
- Nutrition
- Physical Education
- Sports
- Sleep
- Stress Management
- Resources for health & fitness
Life Skills
- Cooking & Baking
- First Aid & CPR
- Mechanics
- Safety Skills
- Sewing
- Technology
- Typing
- Woodworking
- Resources for life skills
Your Homework:
What’s a homeschool blog without a little homework?
- Select additional subjects you’d like to teach your children
- Pick how many days a week you will study each addition subject
- Check out our resources page to find great curriculum picks for each subject
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